Inspection of racking by experts
Regular inspections and repairs of the racking system are keys elements in correct and safe warehouse management. Although this statement seems to be trivially obvious, it still happens that certain warehouse managers or operating managers are not aware of risks caused by negligence in this area or of their personal responsibility resulting from their position. Please note that apart from statutory liability of the managing board or owner of the enterprise, the ordinance concerning general H&S regulations requires from the person directly managing the employees – if any direct risk to their health or life is revealed – to immediately stop work and take actions aimed at removal of this risk (§ 40. 2 of the Ordinance issued by Minister of Labour and Social Policy on 26.09.1997 on general health and safety regulations with further amendments).
What accessories does your warehouse need ?
The services offered by us take into consideration all guidelines valid during mandatory inspection of pallet racking based on the following documents:
- Ordinance issued by Minister of Labour and Social Policy on 26 September 1997 concerning general health & safety regulations (i.e. Journal of Laws dated 2003 No. 169. clause 1650, with amendments) § 15 clause 1. Working spaces and furnishing in them should ensure safe and hygienic working conditions to the employees.
- 40 clause 1. The employer is obliged to ensure regular inspections of health and safety conditions with special consideration of working process organisation, technical condition of machines and other technical equipment, and to establish the methods of registering irregularities and methods of removing them.
- Chapter 4. entitled Internal transportation and warehousing – includes general safety requirements concerning transportation and warehousing.
- Labour Code Art. 207 § 1. The employer is held responsible for health and safety in the workplace.
- 207 §2. The employer is obliged to protect health and life of the employees by ensuring safe and hygienic working conditions with appropriate utilisation of achievements in the field of science and technique. In particular, the employer is obliged to: organise work in a way ensuring safe and hygienic working conditions; ensure abidance by working health and safety regulations in the workplace, give instructions to remove any irregularities in this area and supervise execution of these instructions.
- 215. The employer is obliged to ensure that any machines and other technical equipment used: ensure safe and hygienic working conditions, in particular, protect the employee from injuries, effect of hazardous chemical substances, electrocution, excessive noise, effect of mechanical vibrations and radiation, as well as harmful and hazardous effect of other factors in the working environment; are compliant with the rules of ergonomics.
- Standard PN-EN-15635_2010
Our competences are confirmed by:
- licence by the Polish Committee for Standardization,
- certifications of our employees conducted by the Polish Association of Warehousing Technique completed by an exam with positive result
- thousands of inspections conducted by experts
As a part of our services, we offer:
- Extended proprietary annual inspection of pallet racking by experts
- Documentation in electronic and paper version
- Classification of detected faults according to PN-EN-15635_2010
- Photos of all defects
- Proposal of removing the defect
- Verification of the floor condition
- Verification of nameplates
- Supplementation of documentation – service log etc.
- Training concerning internal inspections for PRESES
- Defect statistics on a yearly basis on the grounds of completed archive inspections